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Thursday, 13 April 2017

Why Sleeping On Your Left Side Is Good For Your Health

There’s no disputing the importance of adequate sleep and aside from workaholics, who regard sleep more as an interruption to productivity, everyone loves the comforting feeling of curling up beneath the sheets.
However, experts suggest that it’s not just how much sleep you get that makes a difference to your health, but also your sleeping position.
Apparently, sleeping on your left side is great for your health and it also ensures better quality sleep.

Sleeping On Your Left Side Has Positive Effects On Your Health

Here are 6 reasons why you should sleep on your left side:

1. Better Bowel Movements

This benefit can be explained by gravity, as it allows for the easy passage of food through the digestive tract. The stomach and pancreas also hang naturally, as the stomach is situated towards the left side of the body.
Needless to say, if you sleep on your left side, you are more likely to have good bowel movements when you wake up. Of course, this does not mean that you can overeat or go to bed soon after eating your dinner!

2. Improved Cardiac Health

Women are often advised to sleep on the left side during pregnancy, as this is believed to improve cardiovascular circulation. This benefit is accessible to anyone, not just pregnant women, as the sleeping posture is also said to relieve pressure on the heart.

3. Pregnancy Symptom Relief

Sleeping on your left side during pregnancy also relieves various uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms, such as backaches and muscle pains.
This is because the posture reduces pressure on your back and liver, while enhancing blood flow to the kidneys and fetus.

4. Heartburn Relief

Individuals who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn can benefit from sleeping on the left side, as it reduces the likelihood of regurgitation and food escaping up the esophageal tract.
This benefit can again be attributed to the location of the stomach towards the left side of the body. The relief is almost immediate, so make sure to try it out for at least ten minutes, the next time you feel heartburn coming on.

5. Relieves Chronic Back Pain

It is believed that sleeping on the left side reduces pressure on the spine and this can help reduce back pain, while it also ensures better sleep because of the reduced discomfort.

6. Enhances Lymphatic Function

According to ancient Ayurveda, the left side of the body is the dominant lymphatic side. This is why Ayurvedic practitioners believe that sleeping on the left side improves filtration of lymphatic fluid and wastes, while sleeping on the right side impedes this process.
Keep in mind that not all of these health benefits are backed by scientific studies. While you should certainly try sleeping on your left side, listen to your body and find a posture in which you are comfortable. If you have trouble getting quality sleep, you should also consider using other natural methods to improve sleep.

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