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Tuesday, 11 April 2017

5 Best Benefits Of Amla Murabba good for your Skin & Health!

Amlas have wonderful health benefits and uses. I know that I am repeating myself as I have already written about the health benefits of amla but the benefits of amla can’t be emphasized enough. Amlas are one of the the richest source of vitamin C and it is also rich in vitamin A, calcium and magnesium. I have always loved trying different recipes using amlas and this amla murabba is one of my favorites. This amla murabba is more like a sweet and if you get the consistency of the syrup right right, it stores quite well. Especially if you have a sweet tooth, I would suggest eating one of these amla murabbas instead of packaged sweets that are high in preservatives. The traditional method calls for boiling the amlas in water and then discarding the nutrient rich water, I prefer to steam them. Amla murabbas that are made at home using the steaming method have these following benefits:
1. Amla murabba acts like a natural tonic to the body and increases the immunity. It is also very good for our eyes and helps prevent fatigue.
2. Amla murabba is rich in natural fiber so it helps prevent constipation and aids in digestion. Encouraging children to eat amlas is one of the best ways to prevent anemia as the vitamin C in amlas help in better iron absorption.
3. Even pregnant women can eat amla murabba and it is very good both for the baby and the mother. But make this murabba with jaggery for pregnant women. I have a small request, since in India it is a common practice to take sweets for the pregnant women, I would suggest taking healthy, homemade traditional sweets like these instead of store bought sweets that are high in trans fats.
4. Amla murabba is very good for both hair and skin as it prevents anemia and if you are not a diabetic, try consuming one amla murabba everyday.
5. Amla murabba is also good for treating acidity in the stomach as it has a soothing effect. I have made this recipe with regular white sugar as children tend to prefer it with regular sugar but once they get to like the taste, slowly switch over to jaggery as it increases the nutrient value of amla murabba…

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