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Sunday, 9 July 2017

Wheezing During Pregnancy: What To Do!

Firstly, what is wheezing? It is nothing but a kind of sound that comes when you breathe with great difficulty. When the breathing tubes become narrow, air moves through them making a different noise.
The sound occurs mainly during exhaling. Wheezing is a sign of breathing issues. It indicates asthma, or a damage in the airways. It could also be due to the build up of mucus in the airways. Even smoking could cause wheezing.
During pregnancy, wheezing could occur due to asthma. In fact, women who never suffered asthma before could experience wheezing during pregnancy. Here are some quick facts.

What's The Problem With Wheezing?

The main problem with wheezing during pregnancy is that it could cut down the supply of oxygen to the foetus. But if proper care is taken, even pregnant women suffering from asthma could manage the pregnancy safely.

Does It Need Treatment?

Health experts recommend treatment for asthma during pregnancy as it isn't safe to leave it untreated.

What Happens If It Isn't Treated?

If asthma is not controlled on time, it could raise high BP especially in pregnant women. It could also lead to a condition known as preeclampsia. This condition could affect the brain, liver, kidneys and placenta too.

What Happens To The Foetus?

How does wheezing affect the foetus? Well, it could affect the growth of the foetus. The new born may appear small in size.
It could also cause pre-term birth or low birth weight. In rare cases, it could also result in the death of the baby. But if asthma is controlled, the risk factors will reduce.

How To Control It?

The focus should be on controlling the inflammation and preventing asthma attacks during pregnancy.
Also, baby activity should be observed and if the movements reduce, that too, during the phases of wheezing, seeking immediate medical helps is appropriate.

What Should Be Monitored?

The lung function and oxygen supply to the foetus are two things to be checked up regularly when you suffer wheezing during pregnancy.

Preventive Measures

Avoid all triggers. Exposure to dust, smoke, and other asthma triggers is a must during pregnancy. Also, if there are any allergies apart from asthma, they should be treated without delay. Consult your doctor to prevent any complications.

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